Monday, January 30, 2012

Death Note

Death Note is a classic anime. It has a solid story line, dynamic characters, a pleasing sound track and a perfect combination of mystery and suspense. It is a shame that many people stop watching the anime part way through, as the end is very satisfying. The super natural component is completely believable and does not feel out of place or over done. The characters are all visually pleasing and contain much depth. Not all questions about the characters are answered in the anime, and that has left it up to the fans to decide and assume things about the characters that are not disclosed in the story. This is an anime where you must eventually chose a side, depending on what you believe is 'right'.

*Spoiler Alert*
Do not read past this point if you have not seen the entire anime and do not want any spoilers do be revealed.

As I mentioned before, many fans stop watching Death Note part way through the anime because of the death of one of the main characters, L, which is a shame. The investigation is carried on in his absence, and L's two successors are introduced, Mello and Near. The mystery is solved, but in the process many people are killed. In the end, the most important characters who die are Light, Mello, and Misa. Some people do not realize that Misa dies, but she is shown standing on the edge of a ledge. It is then assumed she jumps to her death because she cannot stand the loss of Light. Near is the one who solves the mystery, and remains alive.

Anyone who watches this anime is forced to wonder what they would do if they came across a Death Note. Would they purge the world of evil, use it for their own gain, or not use it at all? It there even a way this book could be used for good?

Light: Light is a bored genius, who's brain is desperate for stimulation. One must wonder what would have become of him if he had not come across the Death Note. Did the psychopathic tendencies always lie within him, or did the possession of the Death Note change him from an average boy into a power crazed murderer?

Misa: Misa is a rising star in the world of the media, and could probably be considered one of the least intelligent characters in the anime. Despite that, she proves useful to the investigation and to Kira. She is totally in love with Light, although it seems he does not return her affections. Some would say he goes so far as to use her for his own gain. Some watchers find Misa to be extremely irritating, but looking at things through her point of view portrays her in a different light.

L: Considered the worlds greatest detective, L is probably one of the most memorable characters any anime fan has ever come across. Full of quirks, like his sweet tooth and the way he sits, as well as his extraordinary mind, the people around him look at him like he is almost inhuman. Only the truly ambitious would dare to appose him, and it's most likely they don't know what they're going up against.

Near: Despite his young age and innocent appearance, Near is the genius who solves the case. He enjoys playing with toys, just like a normal child, but he directs adults in the investigation as if he was one of them, and he is not looked down on. Near does not say more than is necessary, so it can be difficult to tell what he's thinking at times. He is one of L's successors.

Mello: The second of L's successors, Mello is a strange and dynamic character. He has a bad temper, but he is not easily frightened. He often wears tight leather clothes and has a feminine hair cut, which makes some fans assume he is gay, and that he is in a relationship with his assistant, Matt. This is never confirmed in the anime. When he is first introduced, he has a tidy, well kept hair cut, but later in the anime it is grown out and messy. He is often pictured eating chocolate bars. Mello feels he must compete with Near, but Near is not interested in competing.

Ryuk: The shinigami Ryuk is an emotionally detached character, and he is only in this world for some amusement. He refuses to be helpful to anyone, but will point out things if he feels like it. His favorite food is apples, and he will go out of his way to get them.

This concludes my Death Note review. Please feel free to leave coments if you agree or disagree with any of my character observations, or anything you would like to say about the anime.